Wednesday, January 4, 2012

another reason i heart God

I like God because He is Good.

Now I don't go to chuch at present - actually I have not attended
church on a regular basis for going on maybe six years.

But I have nothing against Church - in fact I believe in
going to Church.

I don't go to Church because I get bored.  I don't like Sermons.
I think they Pray too much in Church.  One at the beginning to
invoke God's Spirit - one after taking up the collection - and one
at the end to ask God to be with us all week would be good - and
please not such long ones.  But I was at a Church once where before
it all got started people would stand up and say - This person needs
Prayers and Your Help.  And I know these People would Pray for
those who needed it - and help them.  I believe that this is a Good

I don't like the Social part of Church because I am not a Social Person.

Acutally the only part of Church I really used to like are the Old Hymns.
In fact during the Sermon I used to discreetly get out the Hymnal and
read the words of the Old Hymns - because they were like a nice
Sermon to me.

But when I did go to Church  they would often say this thing:

The Pastor would say:

God is Good

Then the Congregation would respond:

All the Time

Now for a long time I took exception to that.

Because I never thought God was good ALL the time.

But now I do think that God is good ALL The time.

And here is how I resolved that.

One day I was thnking - a dangerous thing I know -
and I thought:

I believe in God.

Would I believe in a God that was only good part of the time?

And the answer to myself was:


It is as simple as that folks.

Simpleminded logic from a Simpleminded person.

works for me

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