Monday, January 9, 2012

on believing in Jesus' miracles

I chose this topic last night to write about on my Religion Blog.

But in the last hour or so as I was getting ready to write it - I
realized that it was going take a little bit of a different slant
than I planned.

Oh it's still about Jesus' Miracles alright - but more than that
it is about Believing.

The first thing I want to say is that I believe in Jesus' Miracles
because I believe in Jesus - not because the Bible tells me to
believe them.

It's true that I first heard about Jesus' Miracles because of the
Bible and for all these years - and they are Legion : ] I believed
Jesus' Miracles but not quite.

If someone would ask me if I believed in Jesus' Miracles I would
say Yes - I do.  But now thinking back on it - it's kind of like I had
my fingers crossed behind my back.

But now folks it's different.

It's different because now I know Jesus.

And because Jesus loves me  - a really unworthy nothing of a person -
enough to make me believe in Him - then I believe in His Miracles.

I believe it if Jesus says He walked on water.

I believe it if Jesus says He turned water into wine.

And I believe it if Jesus says He fed all those people that day with
just a few fish and a couple loaves of bread.

Why would I believe stuff like that - you might ask?

Because Jesus loves me.

And because He loves me then I love Him back.

And if a 66 year old whitehaired traditional idiot housewife can get
Jesus at this point in her Life - then anyone can.

some people call it Amazing Grace

it's never to late folks and you can take that to the bank

: ]


  1. ".....I believe it if Jesus says He walked on water....."

    I do too, but I reckon it was probably winter.

  2. I have another question regarding your god. I cannot seem to find an answer to it in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament - or anywhere else I've tried.
    Perhaps you can help.

    Jesus was both man and god - or so I assume based on my research. Every painting or artistic representation of him I have ever seen renders him as an anatomically correct male - that is, he must have genitals - why else would his groin always be covered?
    I can understand why his genitals would be covered - that is just rude to display them - even pornographic I reckon.
    My question is: If jesus was an anatomically correct male, AND therefore possessed a penis, do you think he masturbated?

  3. Aquarina - You raise a very important theological question here:

    Did Jesus ever Masturbate?

    My answer to that would be NO.

    The Bible clearly states that Jesus was Perfect.

    This is just MY OPINION of course - but I hold that Masturbation is a Negative Thing.

    Masturbation is a Sellout.

    I belive that one should not give in to carnal urges when alone - but rather hold out for the Real thing - even as hard as it may be - and even at the risk of going Insane. : ]

    Have you ever seen Martin Scorsese's movie
    The Last Temptation of Christ - Aquarina?

    There is a scene in which the Jewish men - I think it might be near the beginning - are making
    fun of Jesus - even suggesting that he was 'goofy' because he had not been married - and thus had not had s*x.

    They said in this very insightful and brilliantly directed but controversial movie:

    Look at Jesus - he is f*in' nuts because the seman has backed up in his head.

    And there you have my answer to your question - Aquarina.

    If those Jewish men just knew that Jesus' semen
    had backed up in his head - then they themselves would tell you with no uncertainty that he had not masturbated because - although I'm not a man - isn't the semen released during masturbation as it is during actual intercourse?

    Does that answer you question - Aquarina?

    now if you will excuse me I'm going to quietly blow my brains out with the handgun that I do not posess

    Thanks for your comment Aquarina.

  4. Aquarina - I've never been to that part of the World - but I have read that it is a rarity when it snows in Jerusalem. I even have a nice picutre of that happening.

    But here you need to have something to back up your suggestion that the lakes over there freeze over in the winter.

    And in particular the Sea of Galilee.

  5. You should not dismiss masturbation, at least the perpetrator is doing 'it' with someone he/she loves.
    Besides, it is well known that regular masturbation is primary to maintaining prostate health in men who for what ever reason are not able to find release elsewhere. Would you condemn all un-attached men to certain death by prostate cancer? That is too cruel.

    Thank you for your candid answer. Jesus was a Jew. The Jews have no restrictions regarding masturbation. A Jew can masturbate and still be considered Perfect by any and all races, colours and creeds around at the time. It was not until the 16th century that christians decided masturbation was a 'Sellout' and a 'Negative Thing' - and it was the evil Papists in Rome that made that decision for the christian world. You're not a supporter of the Papacy are you?

  6. Pease Aquarina - I was only speaking for myself
    concerning Masturbation. I am sure that Others find Masturbation useful and even Recreational.

    And Aquaina - I do not in any way wish to promote any type of Cancer. I hate Cancer.

    You are welcome - for my answer.

    My remarks about Masturbation were strictly
    personal and in no way do I represent ANY other Christians.

    I am a Christian - but I stand alone in my views
    on that Subject.

    I'm glad you asked me about the Papacy.

    Not only do I not support the Papacy - but I abhor the thought that one person should dress up in silly clothes and pretend that he is representing or speaking for God.

    In my opinion that is Rubbish.

    Now let me make it clear that I respect any and all others who do support the Papacy.

    But I do not.


  7. "....Not only do I not support the Papacy - but I abhor the thought that one person should dress up in silly clothes and pretend that he is representing or speaking for God...."

    Is this not what all Pastors, Reverends, Priests, et cetera do in all christian sects?

  8. Aquarina - The thing is - I have a Problem with
    the Catholic Church - not the people - but the church. Maybe you can help me out - Aqua.

    Everything about it bothers me - except one thing - and that is that Church's ability to reach so many people. The Catholic Church has the ablilty to make its followers into stronger believers than perhaps any other Religion.
    They go to church without question. They do the hand jive - they adore the Pope. They fiddle with the beads - and I'm not sure if they still do this but they actually confess their Sins to a Priest - Aquarina - when everybody know that the moment Jesus died that the Veil of the Temple was split in half - signifying that they could plead their case directly to God.

    And this Obsession with Mary. Now I respect and adore Mary - for she is the Mother of Our Lord - but Statues of equal size side by side in a Church - I don't think so.

    If a traditional idiot housewife can see all of this - then why can't Catholics?

    Help me out here Aquarina.


  9. I do not have your answers Ms. Hanes.
    I am not a christian.
    I study the bible in its Ancient Greek form - as an intellectual exercise only.
    Its content is of no interest to me save inquiry regarding how it has been mistranslated into English and the effect that has on folks like you.

  10. Ok Aquarina - But will you please stick around and comment on other things - because I feel a certain connection to you -

    like you could help me out.

  11. Sue,
    From your posts, I see that you believe in God. What confuses me is your adoration/respect for the Scorseses and Mahers, who think Christianity is a joke and its followers should be ridiculed. I would think that their insulting Christianity would cause your adoration for them to wane.

    --big fat tio mike

  12. Mike - I do believe in God.

    But I believe in my faith as a Personal thing.

    Now I also believe in Bill Maher - and if you read my blog - I mean go way back and read about why I believe in Bill - and that will take you some time but if you are really interested in knowing why I believe in Bill and God at the same time - then you can read all about it on my Blog.

    About Martin Scorsese - I have no personal belief in him.

    I like the Martin Scorsese movies that I have seen.

    Three Martin Scorsese movies that I have seen and liked are:

    ~The Last Temptation of Christ

    This movie has some really good, important stuff in it.
    It has a message - if you are willing to see past the
    'shocking' stuff and are smart and discerning enough
    to 'get it.'

    ~The Aviator

    Real insight into Howard Hughes' life and his ensuing very
    serious mental illness.

    ~The Departed

    One of the best movies EVER made - hands down.

    I would love to dicuss further the details of why I like each of these movies at another time - or would be willing to do that now if there is a specific question.

    I have no clue about Martin Scorsese as anything but a director - but I assure you that he is one of the Best - in my Opinionn.

    As for Bill Maher - again if you are really interested in why I Believe in Bill - you have to take about an hour and check out my Blog. It's all laid out from beginning to end - in my Blog.

  13. Mike - Be careful when you say that 'these people' are ridiculing

    Because if you really listen carefully - you will hear the ridiculing the 'Christians' and not Christianity.

    You will see that these people are so smart that they can see that
    it is Christians themsleves who are hurting Christianity.

    Shooting themselve in the foot - so to speak.

    I will be gone for a while but later - if you have anything further commnent I would welcome it and be glad to discuss it
    with you - Mike. I recognize your name so I know that you are serious about this. I have read your comments before.

  14. Men who do NOT masturbate have a 23 day cycle that results in a spontaneous nocturnal emission. Of course, unless women masturbate, their Estrogen backs up and drowns them.

  15. ...and just as in "The X-Files", you've GOT to WANT to believe. ;)

  16. Sue,
    I may need more clarification on what you mean by believing in God and your faith being a personal thing. Do you agree that God exists even if we don't believe he does? And that our faith should affect our lives? And that someone who believes God created the universe and set moral standards and loves his created beings will have a vastly different view of the universe from someone who believes God is a fairy tale that some people made up to help them cope with the meaninglessness of the universe?

    --big fat tio mike

  17. Mike - I believe that God exists - so He exists for me and for me He exists for even those who don't believe that He exists - even though those that don't believe do not think that I should believe that He exists for them.

    It is not possible for me to believe that God exists and not believe that He exists for others.

    Let me sum that up by saying:

    I believe that God exists.

    I believe that God exists for me and works in my Life.

    Because I believe that God exists I also believe that He exists for everyone - even if they don't believe He exists - and even if they say to me - Sue I don't want you to believe that God exists for me because I don't believe that He exists.

    And furthermore - I would not presume to convince someone who doesn't believe in God that He exists. If someone asked me to tell them how I know that He exists then I would be happy to.

    This is what I mean that my Faith is Personal:

    I base my belief in God in that I have a strong PERSONAL relationship. It is like Teamwork: I believe in God and He works with me - but He is always in charge of my Life. I believe that God likes it that I believe in Him - and I like it that He works in my Life.

    It has not always been that way. It has been a huge stuggle for me. But recently I have made my peace with God. I believe in Him 100%. I believe that God is Good - all of the time.

    Do I get mad at God. Yes - and I tell Him so. He allows that - I think it is because He knows that I have committed to Believing in Him.

    I will click on the and then answer more - as I understand your questions.

  18. Mike - Here is moy answer to whether someone else has a different view of Life, God's love for his Created Beings - and the person's view of the Universe - if that perso doesn't believe:

    And you must realize that I am speaking only for myself when I say this:

    I am 66 years old and have giving this much thought - and I have made careful observations of people who say they believe and people who say they don't beleive. Sometimes it is hard to tell
    which is which. For you see I believe it is not what we say we believe - but rather more importantly how we live our lives that shows whether or not we truly believe.

    And here is the bottom line on that:

    Only God - or Jesus for those who are Christian - really knows what is in the Heart of each person.

    No person can possible know what is in another person's Heart - and I believe that is dangerous for Others to try to guess - what is in another person's Heart - for that borders on Judging that person - something which God has told us NOT to do.

  19. Mike - One more thing I feel I should say is that although I am committed to my Belief in God - and there is no turning back -
    I struggle - sometimes on a daily basis - with my belief. Not whether I am goign to quit believing - because I'm not - but it is
    just a struggle of Doubt - not in God - but in Myself.

  20. E tu Abso? Look I know what giving up Masturbation ( and that word is right up there on my top five of words I hate the most)
    has meant to me: sometimes thinking I'm going to go insane.

    But I made the Choice and I'm not going to back down.

  21. And furthermore Abso - I really don't care who masturbates or doesn't masturbate - I'm not gonna do it.

    I'm holding out for the Real thing - and I will do so if I never get it.

    As as I've said on my blog many times - I rarely do get it. :[

  22. Wait a minute - I don't mean to say I rarely get it rather I mean to say - I'm not getting any.

    Get it?

  23. But all you people who think s*x is what makes the World go round -more power to ya.

    Myself I like Blogging, Movies and Housework.

    And living in a Fantasy World. : ]

  24. Abso - Although I am a huge science fiction fan - strangely enough I have never watched the X-Files.

    But I am a very strong believer in Believing - and that is what is getting me thought this last segment of my Life. I have made conscious choices in who and what I am going to beleive in.

    And I'm gonna stick with my Choices come H*ll or High Water.

  25. Sue,
    Maybe we can figure out where we agree and where we disagree, so how 'bout we start by keeping the scope of the conversation limited?

    Suppose person A believes God exists. Person B believes God does not exist. I contend that one person is right and the other is wrong (we can wait till later to discuss which is right). Do we agree that only one can be right and the other must be wrong? Only one of those beliefs is consistent with the Truth.

    And I think we all have doubts, so that may not be a completely bad thing. If you doubt something you believe, it means you seek to know what the truth really is--that you want your beliefs to be consistent with the Truth and won't settle for saying that whatever you happen to believe is "true for me."

    --big fat tio mike

  26. Mike - 'Do we agree that only one can be right and the other is wrong?'

    I do not believe that when it comes to Beliefs - and here we are talking about God - that it is possible to say that one person is right and the other is wrong.

    For me God is about Believing - not knowing.

    God has shown Himself to me and that is why I Believe in Him.

    But if the other Person has not been shown - then he cannot be wrong.

    Mike - Before I go on and on - is this what you are looking for?

    Are you suggesting that there is an Absolute Truth - that exists whether we Believe or not?

    You see science is about Absolutes - isn't it?

    But Believing is about Faith - which cannot be 'proven.'

    And this is why I Believe that Scientists turn away from their Faith.

    If I recall correctly - in Isaacson's book Einstein - he suggested that this is why Einstein chose Science over his Faith - at least ostensibly - because the two were too confusing for even this Genuis.

  27. Sue,
    We might be at an impasse already. If we have two statements:

    Statement 1: God exists.
    Statement 2: God does not exist.

    I think by logic someone may say any of the following:
    Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false.
    Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true.
    I don't know which statement is true and which is false.

    I don't think it is logical to say "Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is equally true."

    Do we already disagree at this point?

    -big fat tio mike

  28. Mike - The word 'impasse' is not in my vocabulary.

    But I do not believe that Logic is part of Faith.

    Logic is for Scientists.

    Logic is a matter of the Brain (pretty good huh?)

    Faith and Belief are Matters of the Heart.

    If you want to say that we have reached an impasse - then that is
    your choice - Mike.

    If you are trying to convince me to come over to your side - then you are wasting your time.

    By the way - Mike - just what are you trying to do here?

    I've got to finish loading the dishwasher and then I'll come back and check to see what else you have to say.

  29. Sue,
    I got the impression that you, like I am, are an imperfect, Bible-believing Christian. I consider this a fundamental part of one's world view. I've noticed that we disagree on specifics, but that we have that foundational piece in common.

    You seem to encourage the dialog, so I thought I'd engage and see where we agree and where we disagree.

    If you feel like I'm harassing you, I'll stop, but I thought a discussion between people who disagree might be good for both of us.

    --big fat tio mike

  30. Mike - I do not believe that you are harassing me. At no time have I thought that. I welcome and encourage any dialogue of this sort - because I find this Subject to be the Core of My Very

    And each time I have a dialogue - of any sort - it gives me even more chance to discover who I am - by writing out what comes to my Mind. Sometimes I do not even realize the Truth of what I am thinking until I write it out.

    And there are times when I have read what I write and then am
    amazed and think: wow - is that really what I think?
