Sunday, January 8, 2012


A documentary about Religion.

Directed by Larry Charles

Written by Bill Maher

Starring Bill Maher

The title of the film is a combination of the words Religion/Ridiculous

The review of this film is by stidh - and I reserve the right to do this
since I have seen it many times - and have sincerely tried to use good
judgement and discernment in forming my opinions about it.

What you need to know if you have not already seen Religulous:

~check out Bill Maher's website and see that he clearly states that
he is a Comedian.

~Religulous is a comic based documentary

~be warned that Religulous contains what I like to call 'off-color' stuff -
and if that offends you to the point where you cannot get the value of
this documentary than you need not watch it

~as you watch Religulous you need to - as I did - look past Bill's use of off-color
words and illustrations (see his profile where he clearly states that two
persons that influenced his Comedy are Lenny Bruce and George Carlin)

The Comedy in this video is extremely brilliant so if you like to laugh
then allow yourself to do so without the fear that you are necessarily
agreeing with or approving of what point Bill is making.

Two of my favorite funny moments are:

~the Trucker's Chapel after the men pray over Bill - at which time
he jokingly says his wallet is missing

~in the Christian bookstore he observes that a Madonna and Child
Statue is pricey - and then asks what the Madonna would run without
the Child

It is imperative that you take note of how the people respond to Bill
during the interviews:

~in the Truckers' Chapel - with only one exception - these men show
a sincere interest in cooperating with Bill about his quest for the
Truth about Religion - and more importantly they appear to like him
and most importantly he leaves them laughing

~in the Interview with 'the guy who used to be Gay but is now married'
although this man is skeptical at first it is not long until he seems willingly
caught up in the discussion - and again - as in the Truckers' Chapel -
there is no doubt that a respectful and friendly connection has been
made - and again Bill leaves with them both laughing

Bill's use of Dress in Religulous:

~basically casual throughout

~in the beginning and in the end Bill is dressed in a black jacket
and black pants - and sporting a deep red shirt:  devil colors

~when visiting the Christian Theme park in Florida Bill wears one
of his famous t-shirts and jeans - appropriately casual for a theme
park in Florida

~when he visits the Jewish men who are trying to outsmart God
with clever and elaborate inventions - Bill is impeccably dressed
in a stylish suit and tie combination

~if you notice there are other scenes where Bill has subtly but
cleverly chosen dress to help him make his point

What is the Value of this Documentary?

What you get out of Religulous is what you bring to it.

When I saw this movie I had already begun believing in Bill
Maher.  Still - I tried my hardest to be objective - and even
prepared myself for disappointment  - something I have never
experienced when it comes to Bill Maher.

If you go into this knowing in your Heart that he is a bad person
who is disrespectul of God - and Jesus - then that is what you will

But folks - if you are a person who seeks Truth - and you watch
this with the mindset that you are going to Grow and Learn from Bill's
Documentary - then that is what will happen.

And I dare you to not smile.

why you might even laugh

Religulous is the 7th highest grossing Documentary ever.

but in my opinion....

it is the most important one



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